Mission Valley Chorus

Mission Valley Chorus

2022 3rd Place Regional Chorus - Region 12

Los Gatos, CA, California

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Mission Valley Chorus

We’re Mission Valley Chorus, the 2018 Second place midsize chorus @ Sweet Adelines Harmony Classic and 2017 Champions for Sweet Adelines International Region 12 and current 3rd place medalists in our 2022 Regional contest. Our members come from around the Bay and as far away as Nevada City and Santa Cruz to sing 4-part, a capella harmony each week. We invite you to join us for a special evening of song and good fellowship in Los Gatos. 

Chapter: Mission Valley Chapter of SAI
General public contact: Sarah Clish

Music Director: Angela Suraci
Rehearsal day and time: Tuesdays, 7:30pm
Rehearsal venue: Nordahl Hall
580 W. Parr Ave
Los Gatos
CA 95032
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