Region 12’s Young Women in Harmony is an outreach program that offers affordable workshops throughout our region, dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment where every girl can freely explore her voice and expand her creativity, while discovering the joy of a cappella singing through high quality education in Barbershop style harmony. We also provide school choral program support for teachers, including free music and instructional materials. Many choruses also offer coaching and workshops focused in their local communities.
Upcoming Events
Young Women in Harmony Workshop
Saturday, November 5, 2022 9:00-5:00
West Sacramento, CA
workshop open to all young women age 13 to 25 - school choirs welcome
Join us for an all day, comprehensive workshop, centered on improving vocal production skills and learning the art of a cappella style with our Clinician, Master Director, Dede Nibler.
More details and registration: https://www.sairegion12.org/dbpage.php?pg=view&dbase=events&id=171364
A Cappella Workshop with Deke Sharon, Kim Newcomb and Lovenotes QuartertFebruary 20 & 27, 2021, 4PM
Young Women in Harmony Workshop – Saturday, January 25, 2020 Sacramento, CA
Each January we provide a day long workshop for girls, age 13+, in conjunction with our Regional Sweet Adeline A.I.M. weekend. All singers and school programs are welcome, no experience necessary. Our educational day includes vocal instruction from our finest educators, song teaching by a top quartet, visual skills taught by a leading choreographer, and ends with a performance opportunity for friends and family.
This year our workshop will be held in Sacramento from 9 – 4:30 pm, with lunch available. Our director will be Angela Suraci, Master Director of Mission Valley Chorus. Our song teachers will be award winning Live Wire Quartet.
Contact Cyndi Sharp 925-639-2963 csharpadeline@gmail.com to register
Mountain Harmony Camp – Fri., Nov. 15 – Sun., Nov. 17, 2019
Alliance Redwoods, Occidental, CA
Our camp for girls age 13+, has become our most popular YWIH event! We offer the highest education from some of our best instructors with Sweet Adelines International. Away from distractions, under the canopy of the beautiful coastal redwoods you will be immersed in three days of a cappella harmony, moving through focused classes in vocal production, visual performance and barbershop style. You’ll learn two songs that will be performed on Sunday for friends and family.
This year our clinician will be Dede Nibler, International Faculty Member and Master Director of Sacramento Valley Chorus.
Our song teachers are Love Notes Quartet, 2014 Sweet Adeline International Champions! You’ll have the opportunity to not only sing with Love Notes, but to do section work, up close and personal.
Our professional Choreographer, Gayle Greenbrook, from Tap Infusion, will be on hand to teach visual and movement skills, to enhance our performance.
You won’t want to miss this exciting weekend. Go to our website:
www.mountainharmonycamp.org for detailed information and registration forms.
For more information contact Cyndi Sharp: mtharmonycamp@gmail.com
(925) 639-2963