Winter AIM - Special Announcement

Winter AIM - Special Announcement
Type of post: News Item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Julie Starr
Status: Archived
Date Posted: Tue, Jan 21 2020

Please download and print out your copy of the weekend's schedule. There have been changes from even a week ago! A LIMITED NUMBER of these schedules will be available on site.

We will print a LIMITED NUMBER of handouts for each class that is providing handouts. Please be sure to check the schedule to find, download, print and bring the handouts you're interested in.

Weekend Song
Remember to bring, already learned, your music for the weekend: Sing Me That Song Again.
You need to be logged in as a Member to access this page:

There are two half-hour opportunities to review this song before its use in Learn Arm Waving (LAW) School:
  • Once at 5:15 pm Saturday in the Redwood Room
  • Once at 8:30 am Sunday in the Redwood Room
Learn Arm Waving

And speaking of LAW school, come and try it, even if you can't stay for the whole day - we need singers and we need people to try out directing! 

Saturday Morning Coffee and Tea!
New this year, thanks to the wonderful work of our Events Coordinator, Mary Mamer: No need to stand in line on Saturday morning to get your coffee in the lobby. We will serve coffee and tea at the back of the Grand Ballroom!


Whether you're in a quartet or just trying to find one, there's something this weekend for all of you. Check the "Audience" column and look for the 4 singers, to find the classes that are specifically targeting quartets. 

And remember to be there to support the novice quartets and double quartets on Saturday night. This year we have a YWIH Quartet Contest, too!

YWIH Workshop Day
Have you encouraged the young women in your life to sign up for the Saturday YWIH workshop day? They'll need to send in some paperwork in advance - check this info page:

Lots on the menu for arrangers and wanna-bes, this weekend! Check the "Audience" column for classes geared to your interests.

Chorus and Regional Leaders
Please come and share your thoughts on the kinds of leadership training we need, either at the chorus level and/or the regional level, with Regional Education Coordinator Julie Starr on Saturday at 10:45.

Tag Singers
Regional champs RetroActive will lead you through some of these on Friday night. Download the Regional Tag Book here:

See you all in Sacramento!!

Julie Starr, Regional Education Coordinator
Alison Miller, AIM Coordinator for Education
Mary Mamer, Regional Events Coordinator